Designing an EV App for nearest charging stations through bp Digital Design & UX Job
As part of the bp Digital Design & UX Job Simulation Project, We undertook a comprehensive job simulation focused on developing a mobile app for the electric vehicle industry. This simulation provided a valuable opportunity to understand the dynamics of working on a Digital Design team at bp. In this project, we lead UI/UX Designer with responsibilities that included:
Conducting user research and creating user personas.
Designing lo-fi wireframes for the mobile app.
Creating high-fidelity prototypes to visualize the app flow.
Communicating design decisions through annotations and presentations.
The Problem
Electric vehicle (EV) owners often face challenges in finding charging stations, monitoring charging progress, and planning efficient routes that accommodate their charging needs. The goal was to develop an app that addresses these pain points, enhancing the overall experience for EV owners.
Target Audience
The target users are EV owners, primarily aged 25-45, who are mid tech-savvy and environmentally conscious. They seek a seamless, user-friendly solution for managing their vehicle’s charging needs and planning journeys efficiently.
Research and Insights
To ensure the app met user needs, I conducted thorough research which included:
User Personas: Developed detailed user personas to understand the diverse needs and behaviors of EV owners. This step was crucial in empathizing with users and guiding design decisions.
Competitive Analysis: Analyzed existing EV apps to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for innovation.
User Feedback: Collected feedback from potential users to validate the app concept and gather insights into their specific requirements.
These research activities provided a solid foundation for the design process.
Design Process
The design process was methodical and iterative, encompassing several stages:
Wireframing: I began with low-fidelity wireframes using Sketch to outline the app’s structure and functionality. These wireframes included annotations to explain design decisions and ensure clarity.
High-Fidelity Prototypes: Transitioning to Figma, I created high-fidelity prototypes to bring the app to life. The prototypes detailed the app’s interface, interactions, and user flow.
Prototyping: The final step involved creating interactive prototypes that demonstrated the app’s functionality and user experience. This stage was crucial for usability testing and gathering feedback.
Design Features
Charging Station Locator: An interactive map that allows users to find nearby charging stations with real-time availability updates.
Charging Progress Monitor: A feature that lets users monitor the charging status of their vehicle remotely.
Route Planner: A tool that helps users plan their trips by identifying optimal routes with accessible charging stations along the way.
Station Details: User can get complete details of the selected charging station, and call them if required.